Minister Bob Cutting - Director
Video of The Week

Mike Soldan is a gifted musician and ministry leader, having several such ministries in our area.
One blessing he imparts on us is a different internet video each week from many different sources. 
Be Blessed Watch and Listen!
Hi Pastor Bob,
Hope you are doing well!
As you know, I am a worship leader and this video really got my attention in a wonderful way.  When we say "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength," that includes the unlikely.  Because of Jesus, George Dennehy, a young man without arms, has the strength and wisdom to lead worship in a new and exciting way.  
God bless,

Hi Pastor Bob,
The picture that inspired this very brief video has gone viral.  It's a wife carrying her husband, a double amputee marine.  Their mothers knew each other, because they attend the same bible study and they had something to do with the couple finding each other.  They first met when he was learning to use his prosthetic legs.  God works in mysterious ways! 
This is "A True Picture of Love."
God bless,
Hi Pastor Bob,
Hope you are doing well!
This link is to a video of Tamara Laroux sharing her powerful testimony with Pat Robertson.  When she was fifteen years old, she decided to commit suicide.  She shot herself in the chest, died and went to hell, but God RESCUED HER from hell and took her to heaven for a glimpse of it, before returning her spirit to her body!  
God bless,