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If the contraceptive mandate passes, it will ruin a core US ideology

Washington Post - ‎19 hours ago‎
These questions will be brought before the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The outcome of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby will affect every American because any religion allowed to be practiced only inside a house of worship, and not in the day-to-day business of ...
Teresa Neumann @ Breaking Christian News (Mar 21, 2014)

"The unspoken and spoken bias meant that I didn't talk about my faith at work. And I certainly didn't talk about my volunteer work at a pro-life pregnancy center… [but following a period of deep reflection] it wasn't lost on me that all around the world Christians die for the right to bear witness in public, and yet in our free country, I hid my beliefs in the name of the news god." -Lauren Ashburn

Lauren Ashburn(New York, NY)—Lauren Ashburn is aFox News reporter who has written a piece defending her faith in the wake of the resignation of acclaimed CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. (Photo via Daily Caller)

It was a bombshell revelation because, though under-reported in the mainstream press, the primary reason Attkisson gave for her resignation was that she was "frustrated with the network's liberal bias" and felt she couldn't do her job properly in the current atmosphere. 

Says Ashburn of Attkisson's decision: "If true, in a nutshell, she had become a square peg in a round hole, and was tired of pretending otherwise."

Ashburn believes the same is true for religion persecution in newsrooms around the country and goes on to share her own personal experience walking the "faith line" in her business.

She shares that early on, she was told she couldn't wear a cross while working; "Real reporters don't wear religious symbols," clearly was the message. 

Lauren Ashburn"As the years went on, and my crosses hung in my jewelry box," says Ashburn, "I realized that I didn't even feel right wearing them outside of the TV station either. In my head, the unofficial work rule bled into my personal life, taking me farther away from God. Somehow, I thought, someone will see me wearing a cross in a grocery store and decide that I'm not objective, and then I'd be denied the ability to report the news; a job I loved." 

"The unspoken and spoken bias," adds Ashburn, "meant that I didn't talk about my faith at work. And I certainly didn't talk about my volunteer work at a pro-life pregnancy center where we collected clothes for babies and talked to women about adoption alternatives."

The reporter goes on to describe her feelings of guilt and shame saying, "It wasn't lost on me that all around the world Christians die for the right to bear witness in public, and yet, in our free country, I hid my beliefs in the name of the news gods."

Ashburn concludes her article giving kudos to Attkisson for standing by her principles, saying, "For the record, I'm wearing crosses again. If you don't want to hear my news analysis because of it, I'm OK with that. I've learned to bless my detractors."

Click Here to read this gutsy reporters article in its entirety. If, like her, you're in a working environment that squelches your religious freedoms, it may be just the encouragement you need.

Teresa Neumann @ Breaking Christian News (Mar 21, 2014)

Atheists from the Freedom from Religion Foundation say the governor's Scriptural message "seems more like a threat, or the utterance of a theocratic dictator, than that of a duly elected civil servant."

Scott Walker(Madison, WI)—Governor Scott Walker has raised the ire of atheists after a posting in which he highlighted a Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13.

The verse reads, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

According to a report in The Blaze, atheists with the Freedom from Religion Foundation are "calling it improper for a politician to promote his religious views using 'the machinery of the state,'" and have written a letter to Walker asking him to delete the message from his official Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The group also reportedly published a statement on its website in which co-president Dan Barker said Walker's Scriptural message "seems more like a threat, or the utterance of a theocratic dictator, than that of a duly elected civil servant."

Teresa Neumann @ Breaking Christian News (Mar 21, 2014)

The cache of scrolls from the caves at Qumran date from the second and first centuries before Christ and the first century AD—"a critical time in the development of Judaism and early Christianity."

Tiney Sea Scrolls(Jerusalem, Israel)—Scholars have announced the opening of 9 ancient parchments, not much larger than the size of lentils, that were discovered with Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1950's, but were "administratively forgotten" for decades. (Photo via Times of Israel)

According to a report in the Times of Israel, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has been tasked with unraveling and preserving the new discoveries.

The parchments were found in phylacteries, or tefillin, which are leather cases containing Biblical passages from Exodus and Deuteronomy.

Tiney Sea ScrollsSaid Prina Shor, curator and head of the IAA's Dead Sea Scrolls Project, "Either they didn't realize that these were also scrolls, or they didn't know how to open them."

Professor Lawrence Schiffman of Yeshiva University, was quoted as saying he doesn't expect any bombshells emerging from the new scrolls that will "overturn the concepts that we have… We're going to be able to augment what we know about tefillin already."


Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: World's best jets fly in to join MH370 search in ...

Sydney Morning Herald - ‎1 hour ago‎
Two of the fastest and longest-range commercial jets in the country are boosting what is understood to be the largest multinational search mission in Australian history, mounted to find the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Bob's Thoughts: WHAT IF this airplane was taken over by Russian Special Forces to divert world attention away from Crimea? Think about it.
Over land (Malaysia), at night, with a weak air defense, they take the plane up to 45,000 ft. to knock out the passengers, then down to
5,000 ft. where they parachute out the cargo hold because of their special training, but before they do, they set the planes controls to go out over the ocean and turn to one of the most desolate ocean places on earth where it would eventually run out of fuel, during the worst season of the year. Kind of like a chess game isn't it. Exactly, at the very least food for thought. 

Michigan begins same-sex marriages ceremonies

Washington Post - ‎8 minutes ago‎
Same-sex marriages commenced in Michigan Saturday morning following a federal judge's ruling Friday that struck down the state's ban on such unions.
Bob's note: In order for the judge to rule this way he had to stretch the equal protection clause. Look it up and read it for yourself. Sin is becoming rampant in our world.

Religion run amok? Hobby Lobby's case comes to the Supreme Court

Los Angeles Times
16 hours ago
Written by
Robin Abcarian
On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court is slated to hear 90 minutes of oral arguments in a case that will determine whether bosses who have religious objections to birth control can deny their female employees the contraceptive coverage to which they are ...
Bob's note: Be careful how many will deceive you!