Subject: A Thought of the Week (Do We Have Spiritual Double-Mindedness?) & Prayer Request for Decision on Job from Brother Michael - 3/17/2014
March 17, 2014
I hope and pray all is well with you and your family.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” - I Peter 1:3
What’s the one major problem that gives believers in Christ the most trouble here in the twenty-first century? I bet it’s probably the same problem that dates back thousands of years: being double-minded. “Double-minded” can have different meanings. But in the Bible, James 1:8 tells us that a “double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” But what does it really mean to be double-minded? I believe we are all double-minded sometimes when we know what we should do, but then soon find ourselves doing the exact opposite. Do you agree with me? If not, I apologize ahead of time. It isn’t really clinical schizophrenia. But we all suffer from what I call “Spiritual Double-Mindedness?”
The Bible is filled with many examples of Biblical men being double-minded: Adam and Eve eating the apple; Abraham lying about Sarah being his sister and later sleeping with Hagar; David taking Bathsheba then killing off Uriah; Jonah traveling in the opposite direction of Nineveh; Peter denying Christ even after being warned by Christ himself.
As believers we are instructed by Paul (in Philippians) that we have the mind of Christ and must nurture and steward it well. Our love, affection, and devotion are to be for our Lord first and foremost. Living for Him means we are Christ-centered in our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. James 1:14 warns us that we are tempted when we are drawn away by our own lust. The word lust is the strongest word we have for desire. James warns that this desire blinds us, enticing us to pursue the object of our lust. Our desire is to relieve or fill an emotional, psychological, and ultimately, a spiritual need. Our minds and hearts become divided in directions other than Christ, creating a schism or split within us. We may think we are serving God, but we’re really serving ourselves.
Often, we find ourselves immersed in wrong behaviors like addictions, eating disorders, bad habits, impulsive actions, and a many of other dysfunctions. Some refer to this as, a disharmony within that feels like a splitting or tearing inside. We develop physical or emotional symptoms of agitation, overwhelmed, fear, anxiety, panic, and depression. We can become derailed in our thinking and motivation. As James reminds us, when sin is finished, it ultimately brings forth death and separation from God, others, and ourselves. So much for the motivations of being double-minded.
You see, double-mindedness comes from the brainwashing and deception of Satan. He wants to distort our lenses. He knows perception is the most important of the 6 components of every decision we make each day. We have to be diligent in all our decisions, slowing down our minds, taking every thought captive, and maintaining our focus on reality and the truth. Then single-mindedness becomes rather simple.
We need to examine whether we are trying to serve 2 masters, God and ourself. Thankfully, God has provided the remedy through his Son, Jesus. You see, God has done for all of us what we could not do for ourselves. He saves, justifies, sanctifies, and empowers us to live for Him through His Spirit. But God won’t do for us what we can do for ourselves, namely, build our character by making our own free will choices. We have to have Christ’s mind and not choose to be double-minded and not pursue your own agenda but HIS agenda – each and every moment of each and every day.
Let us pray, Father God, we know we are double-minded more than we admit, if not on the outside, then certainly on the inside. Help us to develop eyes that really see the truth, so we can test, realize, and reject the counterfeits to Your love and blessings in our life. Give us peace to endure the trials. Help us to resist our double-minded impulses to take shortcuts and detours from the path You have designed for our ultimate fulfillment. Help us to live today for You, so we can prevent the condition of being double-minded. We ask all of this in Your Holy and Precious Name – AMEN.
Have a great and BLESSED week.
Please remember I am here for you in thought, prayer and action – 24x7.
Love-Your Brother and Friend in Christ,
(484)431-9336 (Home & Cell)
(484)595-9744 (Work
PS. My job interviews on Thursday, 3/13 went well. I thank God for giving me the right words to say during the interviews. I was told I should have an answer in 7-10 days. I ask for your continued prayers during this waiting period. I am a very patient man and I pray for God’s will for the decision be what HE wants it to be.
Thanks Brother – I appreciate you.
Brother Michael