A Message From MInister Bob Cutting

God has given me the ability to see deeper into things than most people, therefore the name "Insight Ministries".
I maintain a Facebook presence almost strictly for the purpose of networking together Christian Leaders around the world. I believe that we are in critical times and Jesus return is near. 
If you are NOT a leader, kindly join one of the groups online which will encourage you. While I would like to minister to you, Facebook limits the amount of friends that I can have.

Hi, My name is Minister Bob Cutting. I am an ordained Christian Minister currently on Sabbatical from Pastoral ministry. I have the heart of an Evangelist and have run many outreaches and revivals. This included a local TV program called "Local Pathways of Faith" where I interviewed thousands of Christians who were really out in the field doing God's work. I did not attend a cemetery, errrr seminary, and am not a part of an abomindation, errrr denomination.  

My Facebook Ministry is something that my Lord and friends urged me to start and is my newest Ministry. I serve only God first, not a denomination, not a seminary. My ordination was miraculous and my sticking only to the Word of God has been complimented by many. I have insight into the depth of why people do things and into Scripture. I have had this since birth, but it was really enhanced once I received the Holy Spirit. 

My Facebook Ministry is dedicated to helping Christian Ministers around the world. We need to "circle the wagons" as our faith is being tested in these seemingly, ending times. Facebook can be used as a tool to pray for each other and to help each other in many ways.

How do I choose friends? I look at your home page. if it honors Christ instead of yourself, you are my kind of Christian leader. If not, as I have said above, kindly choose a group that will enhance your walk. I ask this only because Facebook does limit the number of friends that I can have. You can see these groups on my Facebook page.