A Message From MInister Bob Cutting. 

From my beginning as a 3 month premature baby, God protected me and was calling me into Ministry. It is called
"Insight Ministries" because I see deeper into people and Scripture than most people do.
My hearts desire is to go talk about the Lord to anyone who will listen. I depend on the Lord to provide a way.
I have a Facebook list of Christians who are sold out for Christ. It's purpose is to encourage each other. It currently stands at about 2,700 people around the world. 
If you have the heart of an  evangelist, why not join us?


Anyone who knows me, knows that I have interviewed thousands of Christian leaders for TV, and I meet each week for breakfast with several Ministers that I adore. I can do this because:

1. My faith is with God, not man or man made religion. If I truly have a personal faith with Him, no one can shake it or lead me astray. If you do not have this kind of faith, you should not extend yourself out until you do. However, you should not condemn others who are able. I do make one requirement, and that is that those with which I commune are born again. Only those can help me to grow.

2. I am answering Jesus' prayer in John 17. If any ones prayer should be answered it is my eldest brothers! After all should I not love Him first, then my neighbor as myself? God has done so much for me in my life, this is a minor thing to try to love Him back in. Is it not?

3. My ordination was from God, not from man. I did not 'campaign' for it as the Bishop has stated many times. I was doing so much Ministry that they felt they had no other choice.

Sadly, I write this because Ministers who cross the aisles, like this , are often harassed by other ministers who do not have such a strong faith. This is like the tail wagging the dog. It is the opposite of what Christ would want.

Minister Bob Cutting www.bobcutting.com
Welcome To Insight Ministries Inc. Web Presence
Currently Insight Ministries Inc. provides an umbrella, a unified one, for other Ministries to present the message of Jesus. 

• If you are NOT a believer in Jesus Christ, kindly look at the Words from the Book of Life, the Bible which talk about believing.  This is a complimentary page directly tied to the cards that we hand out at the Elephant's Trunk Flea Market (weather permitting) on the first Sunday's every month.
• For Jews that are willing to read their Scriptures, Jesus met the requirements for the coming Messiah. Our friend Grant Berry maintains a Congregation for Converted Jews just off I-684 exit 3 in New York. 
• For Christian men, Michael Grimm provides weekly messages of inspiration, relating well into our lives. Michael is key to men's ministries in the Soderton, Pennsylvania area. He encourages men from all walks of Christianity to get together and sponsors an annual Men's Retreat so you can 'reload' in the battle for our souls. Michael also leads our Prayer Warriors and answers your PRAYER REQUESTS.
• For the more science and logic minded, Bill Nugent argues for the Faith each month on Defending The Faith.
* If you need inner healing our friend Father Larry Carew has a proven ministry of success and offers a DVD series on healing.
There is much more,  just run your cursor over "Insight Ministries Inc." above and second from the left. A drop down menu should appear.  Thanks for visiting us! My heart's desire is to serve you for Jesus.
What You Get with Bob Cutting.

My father and our family had a tradition of Christianity. There was a large Bible and stand on my uncles farm in Maine. My father insisted on honesty as do I. 
As I developed as a child, I noticed that I saw deeper into things than most of my contemporaries. Instead of seeing just the surface of things being done, I would see into the reasons people do things. When I took on the Holy Spirit in my surrender to God, this gift was enhanced all the more. I call it insight. Insight into why people do things and insight into the depth of Scripture and how it all weaves together. Some people call this discernment. 
My steps into Christianity are many. My search began as a teen. I was looking for a perfect church. Through many trials, I now realize there is not one in today's world. They all have their good and bad points. It is the imperfection of man. The ones that love first are the best. I have been hurt by many Churches, particularly when I was looking for them to stand on principle. This helps me to understand more so, those that have been hurt similarly. I still try to preach and teach the perfection that can be, understanding that people will fall short. So, I am a revivalist and evangelist at heart.
God put me into a video/TV Ministry in the 80's and 90's. I interviewed thousands of "cream of the crop" Christians. This formed my basic understanding of what really works in our relationship with God. What is it? It is this simple: Love (which is surrender) and humility. You get these right and God will bless you. In April of 2003, somewhat miraculously, I was ordained "A Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" by the Mountain Church of God in Brookfield Ct., I believe it was from God rather than man. Here is why:

About 2 weeks after I was ordained God spoke to me. At this point God was still just using a phrase or a word with me, nothing more. But He said to me in my heart of hearts "It is finished". Being a bit of a wise guy, I said "I know you said this on the cross."  He responded "No!' and preceded to show me all the times in my life that I was spared harm and where He said to me the same words. It humbled me, and confirmed that my ordination was from Him, and not from man.


As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit — just as it has taught you, remain in him. — 1 John 2:27

One thing that I must add. I understand the hurt of those who do not want to go to church any more. That is, people who have been hurt by Churches, and sadly there are many. Many of my trials were from Churches.  Please, please do NOT hold this against Christ. You need to cement your relationship with Him and grow in Him. If you are looking for a church, insist on one with loving people in it. God has assured me that there is at least one in every area. They get it. You should be a part of them.