What You Get with Bob Cutting.
My father and our family had a tradition of Christianity. There was a large Bible and stand on my uncles farm in Maine. My father insisted on honesty as do I.
As I developed as a child, I noticed that I saw deeper into things than most of my contemporaries. Instead of seeing just the surface of things being done, I would see into the reasons people do things. When I took on the Holy Spirit in my surrender to God, this gift was enhanced all the more. I call it insight. Insight into why people do things and insight into the depth of Scripture and how it all weaves together. Some people call this discernment.
My steps into Christianity are many. My search began as a teen. I was looking for a perfect church. Through many trials, I now realize there is not one in today's world. They all have their good and bad points. It is the imperfection of man. The ones that love first are the best. I have been hurt by many Churches, particularly when I was looking for them to stand on principle. This helps me to understand more so, those that have been hurt similarly. I still try to preach and teach the perfection that can be, understanding that people will fall short. So, I am a revivalist and evangelist at heart.
God put me into a video/TV Ministry in the 80's and 90's. I interviewed thousands of "cream of the crop" Christians. This formed my basic understanding of what really works in our relationship with God. What is it? It is this simple: Love (which is surrender) and humility. You get these right and God will bless you. In April of 2003, somewhat miraculously, I was ordained "A Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" by the Mountain Church of God in Brookfield Ct., I believe it was from God rather than man. Here is why:
About 2 weeks after I was ordained God spoke to me. At this point God was still just using a phrase or a word with me, nothing more. But He said to me in my heart of hearts "It is finished". Being a bit of a wise guy, I said "I know you said this on the cross." He responded "No!' and preceded to show me all the times in my life that I was spared harm and where He said to me the same words. It humbled me, and confirmed that my ordination was from Him, and not from man.