Announcement of My Vision
Minister Bob Cutting
Friends (and some of you are truly that),
Many may be wondering what God is doing with me since my separation from the previous position at Mountain Church. He has been healing me and teaching me. The biggest part of my lesson is to depend on Him and Him alone for my direction. I must not depend on another man to lead me. The second part is that He built me with the heart of an evangelist and revival preacher.
He has given me a vision of enlisting public greens, outdoor areas at Churches, Flea Markets etc. to bring His Word to this generation. It will not be inside, behind closed doors. Although, I am to listen to Him first and only, I am to work with any preacher who will unite for Christ with me. I will bring chairs, sound etc. for outdoors and will depend on the Lord for good weather. We will only go inside because of weather, and because we will also be outside on good days.
What message will I bring? Like a good book, I will point out the problem in America (sin and evil) and present a cure (Jesus Christ). I will be honest about the sin condition in the church, you know the one Christ died for.... and it’s solution (Repentance). I will work with others who will provide the benefits of coming clean to Christ (healing). They will be with me in the events. I will work with them and promote their work.
In the vision for this, my Father showed me that I must not rely on just my own resources. If you believe in what I am going to try to do, I must want God to bless you as well by having you bless this Ministry also. For many years, I have sent out these daily messages as a love gift to my friends, Now is a chance for you to give back. Checks can be made out to "Insight Ministries Inc." and sent to "50 Oak Ridge Rd., Bethel, Ct. 06801-1151. I will keep detailed records of the giving and spending at this web site. We will need to get the Ministry trailer in shape. We will need a portable sound system, a pulpit, and portable chairs to start. Again, I am praying that you will help.
Minister Bob Cutting