Spring Clean Ups
The winter has been tough, a lot of branches and debris on the lawn and gardens. We offer a system of cleaning up tailored
just to meet the needs of Spring. If you add over seeding, core aeration, and fertilization to the Clean Up, you will be getting
the best lawn and the best value for your dollar.
Curb Appeal Involves Many Things
If you use a service that is not conscience of curb appeal, why use a service at all? We believe in great curb appeal. We do not believe the curb in front of your home is the right place for grass clippings and the such. Here we are cleaning the winters sand from in front of the curb at one of our customers in Newtown. Some people may choose to wait for the town to do this, but good luck on their schedule! This is a part of a good Spring Clean Up and maintaining the value of your house.
Core Aeration and Overseeding Option
Some people wonder what core aeration and over seeding is all about. This photo is the best explanation that I can give you. Here bare spots on the lawn are being filled in as the grass grows up from those core holes. While many things can lead to bare spots, often getting seed well planted below the surface problems provides a world of difference. Whatever causes the bare spots must be treated until overcome, however. In this case there was acidic soil on the upper surface, probably caused by tree sap in the area. This type of problem is common to our area and needs to be constantly treated with lime to neutralize the acidic soil on the surface. In our fertilizing, we have many levels of treatment for various problems. This is again, several of the things that are offered with Spring Clean Ups.
Dethatching is Part of Our Spring Clean Up
Dethatching  can be very dusty work, depending on the Spring weather.  Thatch is the dead grass and dead grass clippings left behind from winter. During the warm weather it is healthy for a lawn to have about a 1/2" layer of grass clippings or thatch beneath the surface for natural fertilization and a good place for worms etc. beneficial to your lawn. Grass Plants have a life span of 3 - 4 yrs. before dying off. Most die during the harsh winter. 
Our dethatching process also includes mowing and bagging the thatch. Would you believe some of our competitors dethatch and DO NOT BAG? What sense does that make? We add it for FREE to our Spring Clean Ups. Once again weed seeds are sucked up and deposited in the bags along with your dead grass bits. This gives your lawn that needed boost to grow fast in the critical days of Spring.  Why is it so important? Because lawn diseases and insects can hide in the thatch, waiting for that chance to ruin your lawn.