It is very hard for me to admit, but this is where the heart of America is at today. Organized religion has made an anger against the church, you know the one that Jesus died for. So I urge you to follow Jesus first. He has given us a very special Pocket Cross Ministry to encourage you to do just that. If you follow Him first, God can lead you to a church that will not abuse you.... even if WE have to form one! If only the Churches would come back to JESUS FIRST!

Peoples Testimonials

Below is how this Pocket Cross Ministry started and how you can get involved.
Hi, My name is Paul Ramuuni. For whatever reason, God gave me to handing out these stone pocket crosses to people and they work! People have reported back to me of many good things that have happened in their lives, even many miracles. Bob has joined me in this Ministry and we want to 'Pass it on' to others. Here is all that is required to receive one:
1. You believe that it can do something.
2. You bless back your teacher (the one that gave you the cross) with the Good News of what has happened.
If you would like to give out these crosses, here is all that is required.
1. You believe.
2. You pray on each person before choosing who to hand them to.
3. You testify to them, before handing them the cross, on the Good Things and Miracles that have happened.
4. You ask them (as Scripture requires) to come back to you and tell you of the Good Things and 
Miracles that have happened.