Bob Cutting Testimony
My testimony is one of God’s protection from birth to today where I am a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by miracle. I do not have an abomination errr denomination, nor have I been to a cemetery errr seminary.
I was born, an only child to a federal prison guard in Danbury Ct. My mother developed toxemia and so I was taken three months early, weighing only three pounds in a day and age where premature babies like this did not survive. Later on when I was about twelve or thirteen years old, I did something that I was not supposed to and despite riding my bicycle down the street and into our driveway hundreds of times, on this one time I would end up on my back in the grass of our neighbors yard. I heard this voice, that I did not recognize say “I’m saving you for something.” This happened again with a broken back and a bout with encephalitis.
I never recognized that voice until later on and fully surrendering to the Lord.
My search for him began in my teenage years and lasted through my twenties when I and my family became ‘born again’. I had been through several churches and beliefs including: Baptist, Assembly of God, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons etc. Until I realized it was about a personal relationship with Him. Our family ended up at the Mountain Church of God in Brookfield Ct. I started taking on Ministries to do for the Lord. On TV, feeding the homeless, serving at a nursing home, and being active in our Church. Without “Campaigning for it” as the Bishop said, I was ordained a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this Church. Shortly there after, I heard this voice, which I now recognized, review the times that I had been spared and it said “It is finished”. Like many people, I at first did not understand, but then realized that God had been saving me for a life of Ministry. That life I try to live out today.