Elizabeth and James Pitts

James is a Minister of the Gospel in Macon Georgia.
He is hoping to start a Church someday in the Lords 
Timing. Currently he is the caregiver for his wife and son. His wife came down with dementia which started as blindness. Kindly pray for all of them.
trying to buy a house in atlanta, sell tim house , do some repairs to tim house. Elizabeth not doing well. takes much more time with her now to do anything. lots of confusion. just keep us in prayers. if could get near daughter she could help a lot. but dont want to do anything not in the Lords will. Love you Jim
Thanks Bob, looking for many more. feeling a little tired, pray for us.

HI Jim,

We love you, Jesus loves you! and we all want to be Thankful to him for the years you have given Him and that He has given you!

May the Lord Richly Bless You and Your Efforts for Him.

Praise the Lord this has been my prayer. you and the Lord. just to give you a update, i an starting bible college on thursday night. the Lord has been dealing with me on studying the old testiment. just so happens new bible college is offering a in depth study of old testiment. it will be 2 1/2  hours once a week. Northside church will pay for books and Georgia Baptist will pay tution. pastor Myke has committed to bring me on staff at Northside before end of year. the Lord gave me a price to bid on a house here in centerville. we put it in last wednesday. they were to let us know in 72 hours. still waiting. believe the Lord is working this out. If so will get it below market. we can get our things out of storage and have lots of room for us and Tim. will let you know, just pray with us. the Lord instructed me to help Myke for now. love you brother Jim

Bob must share what is on my heart. believe we need to include prayer for repentence and a turning back to God for our nation. we need to follow II Chr 7:14 then God will hear from heaven and heal our land. when under judgment for forgetting our Bible values that was the foundation of our nation only a turning back to God will bring relief. let's pray for Holy Spirit to draw us to our knees, then God will heal our land. In Christ Jim