Jan. 22nd 2012
Dear Valued Customer,
The Jan. 21st storm ended up deeper than forecast. No surprise for me. How about you? Since we did not have an inch or more when it started for our Steep Drive customers, we did not go out. However, (Surprise! Surprise!) as we closed in on 7 am, the snow WAS an inch and piling up fast. We went out and did our 7 am and 7 pm departing time Steep Drive customers. We followed this by the balance of the Steep Drive customers later in the morning as we measured 3-1/4” of snow here. This was followed by all our regular customers mixed in with the Steep Drive customers for the second time. On the second time around we inadvertently were late on a few Steep Drives. On most Steep Drives, the second time included Calcium Chloride Ice Melter because of the over night freezing conditions. We did not put Ice Melter down on the first plowing as to me it does not make much sense when it is still snowing.
• If you have a car in the way, if the town trucks plow your driveway back in, if we miss something. JUST CALL US .... AFTER ROUTE TOUCH UPS ARE FOR FREE! We enjoy doing this and it takes some of the pressure off of us while giving us and you a second chance to have it done just right. Again, just call and let us know!
• CALL US FIRST IF YOUR DRIVEWAY IS BEING CLEARED by someone else. If you clear or have your driveway cleared, kindly call us first so that we can cancel the crew that is coming out your way. YOU WILL BE BILLED IF THIS IS NOT DONE. There is an expense for us to send the crew, and it is not right to
have other customers absorb this cost. We like customers that care by being courteous.
• THE LAST WILL BE FIRST. If you were at the end of the route this time, next time we will try to put you first.
We have added new features at BobCutting.com. Not only the latest forecasts, even long range forecasts, but also I report how I believe we are going to handle the plowing. I make this report to you, just before I go out the door. Also, after the storm, when available, I give you the Storm Total depths from some local towns. It is interesting to compare that with the towns and with the forecast.
Some people call and introduce themselves. Believe me, we know you by name. Just because we have a lot of innovations does not mean that we are big. We are still a family business and try to know every customer personally.
Recently, in the Newsletter from the Bethel Power Equipment repair shop we learned that the generators made in China are unreliable and hard to service. Also, Honda generators make the least visits to the repair shop.
Thanks to those who send us those great notes of blessing! Keep it up, I read them all and post them by my desk!
Again, Thank You for your business and May God Bless! Bob Cutting