This is a concept that may be hard for you to wrap your head around, but it is entirely Biblical and what I have tried to make my life in Christ stand for. The unity of the body of Christ, with HIM as the head, the ONLY head for He is a "Jealous God". I believe we are in the ending times and we had better get our act straight. Many Pastors, unfortunately are making us "followers after them" instead of after Christ.
• The Goal for this Church is to be a loving family of Christ. Jesus when asked said this is what all Scripture is based on and was the key to salvation. (Lk.10:25-28).
• The Name for this Church is entirely Biblical as is the concept. It is the most common mention of the church or assembly in Scripture. To the church "at", "in" or "of" (a certain town, city or area) is mentioned throughout the New Testament.
• The Spirit and the Truth are the most important parts of Christianity to us. (Jn.4:23,24,6:63,14:17,16:13, Rm. 9:1, 1Cor. 2:13,14:2, Eph.1:13, 2 Thes. 2:13, 1Tim. 3:16, 2 Tim, 1:14, 1 jn. 4:6, 5:6, Rev. 19:10) Just as God made individuals, we will put up with other peoples ways of worship, even if we disagree or may not understand them ourselves. We certainly do NOT want to quench the Spirit and order for anyone who comes.
My belief is the closer we get to the Word on the operation of this church, the more God will bless us with power and might. My belief is that if we love each other truly, we can disagree or friendly debate on minor issues of the Faith. Notice this church is both uniting and yet without denomination, but intended to accept all who have converted to Christ, born again and baptized in His Name, even those who may not call it that, but in essence have become New Creations in the Lord. That is and will be the only membership requirement.
You may want to identify with this church and stay at your own, or be only identified with this church. That choice is yours and yours alone. We are not proselytizing as there is no other church that holds up to these beliefs so strongly.