Michael Grimms Emails
Michael emails about 200 brothers for the Men At The Cross program in Eastern Pennsylvania. Without ever seeing him, I know him through his emails. Michael invites you to be a part of his email list and he will be there for your encouragement 24/7 (For Real)
Michael is a constant encouragement to me... Bob Cutting
Michael hails from Souderton Pa.
November 12, 2012
I hope and pray all is well with you and your family.
 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” -  John 15:13
“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. -  Matthew 10:39

There are a few prayers that I know God answers quickly, and better yet, He answers by saying “yes.” One particular prayer should actually come with a warning label that goes something like this; “Don’t pray this unless you are ready for instant results.” The prayer is simple; “Please Lord, make me an instrument to carry out some important mission of mercy for you.” In other words, please use me to help someone in need.
We are called to be salt and light in this world, to be a Good Samaritan to those whom others ignore, to always be prepared to give an answer for our joy and hope. This answer could be through actions or words, or both. Amazingly though, after we say this prayer, someone in need will practically show up on our life’s doorstep. Why does God answer this prayer so quickly? Because it facilitates God’s whole plan of eternal salvation and the Great Commission: to save others by using us. You see, if He didn’t want to use us, He would take us to heaven as soon as we are saved. But many people are in need, and God calls us to go out and spread the good news. That’s the Great Commission.
I believe that when we ask God to use us to solve other people’s problems, another phenomenal process immediately happens. He begins in earnest to help us with our own issues. The natural outcome of helping others is that we get to share in the benefits ourselves. In many ways it’s the “what goes around comes around” dynamic in reverse. Many people experience this principle when helping someone in need or when participating in a missions trip. The experience of blessing others blesses us as well.
Our natural bent is to be looking out for #1, ourselves. We focus on activities that help us using the “What’s in it for me?” mentality. But God chooses to bless us whenever we humble ourselves to be used by Him to impact others. The blessings and growth we reap are powerful motivators to continue praying this prayer and be mission-minded in our everyday activities.
Today, instead of being self-focused, ask God to use us as His instrument to help another person. Then watch how quickly He answers our prayer and be amazed. Be alert to the ways He will act for our growth. He will raise our antennae so we are alert and ready to help others. In fact, it might be someone who’s already in our life waiting for us to step boldly out of love. Being an instrument to help others would definitely be pleasing to HIM and shouldn’t that be our goal in life?
Let us pray, Dear Father God, we pray that You will use us as Your instrument to carry out some important mission of mercy for You. We know, Father, that if You are going to use us, You will begin to shape us into the best possible instrument we can be for the specific role You have created. Thank You, Lord. Help us to be a good listener and not a judge as you send needy people our way. Work on our hearts so we have Your lenses. Let us be Your mouthpiece, Your hands, and Your feet in ALL opportunities You are providing. We present these requests in the name of the one who is pure love and who always said yes to minister to others, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – AMEN.
Have a great, safe and VERY BLESSED week.  Please remember that I am here for you – 24x7 in thought, prayer and action.
Love-Your Brother in Christ,
(484)431-9336 (Home & Cell)
 (484)595-9744 (Work)
November 5, 2012
I hope and pray all is well with you and your family.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand.” - Psalm 37:23-24
Doesn’t it seem like there is always some road that is temporarily closed for repairs so that a long awaited construction project can go through? Where I work when we have also been hit with a lot of rain, resulting in some flash floods like the ones when Sandy came through. Because of the flooding and downed trees, many were without power and a number of roads were out, particularly around creeks and small bridges. Between the road work and the storms I have run into many “road closed” signs and “rerouting” messages from my GPS.
Whether we are a new or seasoned driver, and you are not used to being diverted from your planned course, and having to find alternative routes. These “lesser“ routes seem to be a nuisance and they give you great uncertainty about successfully finding the desired destination. We all start to get anxious and frustrated with each deviation and delay to the original course.
Well, how do we respond when life gives us a twist and our plan is interrupted? Do we react with an attitude that is nervous and frightened, agitated and frustrated, or angry and overwhelmed? Or do we have a confident assurance that the map, the course for our journey, has been laid out by the Master of the Universe and He is in the driver seat?  Like the bumper sticker, “If God is your co-pilot, it is time to switch seats”
How would we live if we believed, really believed, that our future is perfectly planned out and our final destination is secure? Think of the freedom this knowledge would provide. How we would live and feel if we truly believed that no power, no detour, could take away the promise of our ultimate inheritance in heaven? How would we travel through life if youwe knew you had the ultimate navigator and navigation system showing us where to go everyday? Well, we do – in God and the Bible.
You see, Satan wants us to think we know exactly what we need, that we can predict the future, and that we can figure out the perfect strategy to transform our own mind and life. His other strategy is getting us to realize we don’t have the answers, that the world has everything we need. So we allow our crazy culture and world system be our GPS and pilot
Today, instead of approaching the day uncertain of our destination and whether we will make it or not, know He has real answers for each fork in our roads. When something unplanned happens, know God purposely allowed it to be there for our growth and to help us in some way. We need to put on lenses and an attitude to accept that detour and make the most of it. This is easier said than done. A deep level of trust is required trust based on the knowledge that His way is perfect. When we are at a fork in the road today, pray, pray and pray some more. Then choose His way, and go with it. We will be surprised at the peace and satisfaction we will have by taking His detours away from the usual destructive route. Faith in the Ultimate Pilot in our walks, today, tomorrow and always.
Let us pray Dear Father God, You are so amazing. I commit myself to You, Father. I am Yours for all time, beyond time into eternity. I know now that no power can deny me my inheritance in heaven. I know You want me to feel secure. I know, Father, that even when I falter as I journey through life that You will never let go of my hand. Help me to stay on Your course in this lifetime. I know You have awesome opportunities for me to see and experience along my way to Christ-likeness. I pray in Your Holy and Precious Name – AMEN.
Have a great, safe and VERY BLESSED week.  Please remember that I am here for you – 24x7 in thought, prayer and action.
Love-Your Brother in Christ,
(484)431-9336 (Home & Cell)
 (484)595-9744 (Work)