Minister Bob Cutting - Director
We get emails, some we pass on, some we post.
Here are some really great ones and some specials from
me now and then with specially positive reactions.
Note: Since I became a Christian I do not participate
in "send this on and you will receive a miracle, etc. etc.
as it would take away from My Lord "supplying all my needs".
Those are more of controlling type emails just to get you to
send them on, send emails on because YOU want to bless 
someone today. God promises if you do, HE will bless you
with more than you did!

Brother Bob, I hope that you  will choose to share this with your friends and associates.
Our work as it seems has just begun.
Jim Harrison
Minutemen United


I posted it. The heart of the problem is one by one individuals who are not really converted to Christ and who 
do not exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit which is what we are to judge. This includes leaders and pew sitters alike. 
We are in the times of the end as forecast in the Bible. Where men will draw other men after themselves and 
Jesus will not be the head of the church which he died for.

May the Lord Richly Bless You and Your Efforts for Him.

Minister Bob Cutting

"Restoring the foundations, one church at a time"
Another Gem from Jeannette Schmidt
From Jeannette Schmidt:






> From one pumpkin to another!!!!!!!

> A woman was asked by a coworker,

> 'What is it like to be a Christian?'

> The coworker replied, 'It is like being a

> pumpkin.'

> God picks you from the patch, brings you in,

> and washes all the dirt off of you.

> Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all > the yucky stuff.

> He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and

> greed.

> Then He carves you a new smiling face and

> puts His light inside of you to shine for all

> the world to see.'

> This was passed on to me by another

> pumpkin.

> Now it's your turn to pass it to other

> pumpkins.

> I liked this enough to send it to all the

> pumpkins in my patch.




From: Kenneth Adams <>
Date: September 24, 2012 9:12:00 PM EDT

Subject: 40 days of prayer:

         September 28 marks the beginning of the 40 days vigil of prayer and fasting for this nation.
         Please agree with us as we pray for God's perfect will to be done this Election Day which
         is November 6, 2012. See you at the polls!

         Father, in Jesus' name, we give thanks for this United States of America and it's government.
         We hold up in prayer before You, the men and women who are in positions of authority. We
         pray and intercede for those who are currently in office and whomever You choose to be in 
         those positions for the next term of office. May every person who is elected this November
         have a heart and ear attentive to Your counsel and do what is good, right, and just in Your 
        sight, being obedient to Your Word. We pray for those who know, love, and serve You to be 
        protected against all harm and evil.

        Your Word declares that, " Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord "   Psalm 33:12
        So Father in Heaven, may we receive Your Blessings, for You are our refuge and strength
        in time of need. We thank You, Lord, for the God fearing leaders You give us.



The New Covenant Prophecy
Coming Soon To A Bookstore Near You
Grant Berry
I have attached the tip sheet from Destiny Image on my book as well as a link to  YouTube on the video introduction. Please help me to get out the word on my book, which will hit bookshelves by the 3rd week in October.
The New Covenant Prophecy takes a unique approach to explaining the fullness of the Gospel to our Jewish friends. It also gives all believers everywhere a much deeper understanding of the Jewishness of our faith, as well as addressing many of the issues between the two groups. It is also a great read to introduce the Good News of Yeshua to people from all backgrounds, both Jew and Gentile alike and will make a great holidays gift.
Please help me to pass this email onto to your contacts on your email lists. You will be amazed how the word spreads when everyone keeps passing it on and I would ask you kindly to forward it to your friends and family.

I will be doing a personal book signing at the Mt. Kisco Library on Friday October 12th, at 7.30pm
100 E. Main St, Mt. Kisco NY 10549 
please visit Messiah's House email address for any additional questions or comments @ 
As we approach the Jewish holidays and another New Year, I would like to wish you all a great blessing over your lives and your families. That the richness of G-d would bring you ever closer to the wonderful intimacy He greatly desires to share with all of us in the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
Baruch Hashem (Blessed be G-d) and Shabbat Shalom,
Grant Berry
From Doug Stram:

Thank you Robert. I agree with the feelings expressed by the Catholic priest and thank God he was blessed with the wisdom, strength and courage to speak out against evil (socialism) in the USA. I believe Pope John Paul addressed the seriousness of attacks against religion in the book "Crossing The Threshold Of Faith" when he called for unity amongst all churches (difference are minor in comparison with what they share in common) for survival. 
I also strongly recommend seeing the movie "2016". It may not change your love or hate towards Obama, but you will know him and what to expect from him (learn for example why Obama sent the bust of Winston Churchill, in the White House for many years, back to England). Seeing and understanding what Obama has done in the past four years makes it easy to understand what you can expect in the next 4 years (2016) if he is re-elected (very scary). 

Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2012 3:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Priest's comments--Colorado Republican Convention

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 1, 2012 2:25:54 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: Priest's comments--Colorado Republican Convention

I consider this a must - it is honest the straight forward.
The priest stands up.
Coach Dr. Jim Steffen
 Take the time to listen.
  Subject:   Priest's comments--Colorado Republican Convention
Please listen to what this Priest states immediately after his opening prayer. Then you will know why I have shared it and I hope you will too!
Stick with this thru the first few comments……you will be surprised. It is going to be an interesting election…..
An outspoken Colorado priest was asked to lead thousands of delegates in prayer at the state Republican convention.
What he said next caused quite a stir in the convention hall. See for yourself...

From Uncle Charley:
The quote of the  month is by Jay Leno:

"With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control,  mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end  to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, "Are we sure  this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of  Allegiance?"