Mission Statement:



3. HEAL PEOPLE - Show them God at Work

Our service is to have Bible Believing Churches or People invite us to their Church lawn or a town green. We will present the daily headlines and God's plan for man. We will show the contrast and ask believers and nonbelievers to repent before it is too late. As John and Jesus said "Because the Kingdom of God is at hand." Won't you give us a call?
Min. Bob Cutting  203 778-2672
Thanks Brother – awesome message from an awesome Brother & Friend.
Stay warm out there.
Brother Michael

Going Deeper... A Divine Government?

Recently it was reported to me that a prophet said that “a divine government  would be established this year. Whether the prophet is right or not let us examine the chance that we did have as Americans.

1. God hid from the rest of the world “ A land flowing with Milk and Honey”

If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. Numbers 14:8

2. And the early settlers delighted in the Lord and He Blessed them. They developed a government and laws based on God’s  Principles:

 Faith Heb. 11, Servant hood, Mk.9:35 Stewardship Lk. 12, Hard Work 2 Thess.3:10, Perseverance Eph.6:18, Col.1:11

3. Then laws based on the ten commandments and established Biblical Principles. Male Leadership, Not to Gossip, Go to that person first, Establish Facts with two or three witnesses, Tell the truth, Faith is to be protected from Government, etc. etc.

4. The first schools were based on the Bible and spreading wisdom. 

In fact if there ever was a human attempt to establish a divine government by humans it existed here and later on in Israel.

The first president of this government was the only one running, then reelected without anyone one else running. He humbly resigned the position as an example to others. He was well know for his faith and prayer life. He was George Washington.

Now, where are we today? 

Faith is mentioned but not acted upon..

Servant hood has been replaced by politicians who only serve themselves and reelections.

Stewardship is unknown. Our debts are put on those who can least afford it.

Hard work is looking for a government handout. 

And Perseverance is reduced to days or hours.

My friends, God cannot supply a divine government to sinful people, 86% of which claim to bear His name. Certainly He is saying “I do not know you” Mt. 25:15, Lk. 13:27, JN. 7:39

HOWEVER, did you know that when he comes back the Saints will Judge and govern the world?

Do you not know that the saints (the believers) will [one day] judge and govern the world? And if the world [itself] is to be judged and ruled by you, are you unworthy and incompetent to try [such petty matters] of the smallest courts of justice? 1 Corinthians 6:2

So what does this all mean?

As Christians our practice time is now, for our eternal future.

Min. Bob Cutting

“Morality is Relative”

Have yoy heard the above recently? It has been taught to college students for 2 decades or more. What it means is that your morality is yours and it does not affect anyone else. What is good for you, is good for me. It is an extension of the Me Generation’s  “Do What Feels Good”. It is a lie. 

In God’s world this is what is said:

37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. (Mt. 5)

As we sift through the news today, some of the top stories seem to be about sports heros and their application of Relative Morality.  (Armstrong and Te’o).

My prayer is that today, when these stories are brought up, Christians will address this lack of morality for what it is. They will be able to tell others how far we have drifted from real moral standards, those of God. AND Only if we return, one person at a time, the one in the mirror, can we bring this country and this people back from the brink.

Min. Bob Cutting

“[The Truth Shall Make You Free] Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”” John 8:31-32 NKJV

We have a profile, it is not politically correct, and we will NOT admit it. How sad is it that America will not seek the truth? In all the mass killings in recent time, they were all committed by young white, males, in their late teens or early twenties. We need to examine this demographic and look for ways of prevention. 

Yes, man has allowed guns of mass destruction to be proliferated, and that is where the politicians and others are mking the most noise. BUT how about the truth? Can we stand this deomographic? Will we call it profiling? Will we be offended before we look at ourselves and find the cure? 

Christians let us suppor the truth here, before it bites us again, maybe today!

Min. Bob Cutting

From: PRJOBS1@aol.com
Date: January 17, 2013 8:34:47 AM EST
To: bobcutting@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: Profiling Newtown Shooter Types

We are living in a time when , if you tell the truth or if you really follow Christ you will be #1 excoriated for  your lack of tolerance and # 2  imprisoned for following Christ.  I am embarrassed that I am not in jail as we speak for "I have known to do good and have not done so".
Where in God's name is the church - with or without leadership!
The Good Lord is helping us to put together a Ministry Team to Serve You. Following are the people He has assembled to help us.
Our mission is to provide events in conjunction with local churches who are sticking to the Word of God, aimed at increasing their membership and bringing America back to God's way of life. 

Minister Bob Cutting

You may know Bob Cutting  if you have lived in this area for a while. As a child, he ran the Danbury Soapbox Racing Club which was designed to build character in local children via the experience of racing in and running the organization for homemade, wooden soapbox racing carts. He was highly acclaimed by then Mayor Gino Arconti.  

Later in life Bob drove a school bus for and later ran the Candlewood Valley Bus Company in Brookfield. This at the age of twenty one. It’s motto was ”The Safest Link Between Home and School” . Bob saw that this was carried out and set new training and safety standards for this industry. As a young family man, 

Bob started Insight Ministries Inc. which was most known for producing local tv programs “Local Pathways of Faith and Christians Alive!”. 

Not to be inactive in the Lord, Bob and his wife Elsa also started serving at the Breakfast Nook of Christian Community Outreach Ministries, freeding breakfast to the homeless. They now oversee the oldest crew so serving with people from Trinity Christian Tabernacle Church of Danbury. 

Bob and Elsa also started a Sunday, Non-Denominational Worship Service at Bethel Healthcare and Rehabilitation Facility. They did this for about 15 yrs.  

For over Sixteen Years Bob Served with the Mountain Church of God in Brookfield Ct. until recently. 

Currently Bob is a leader in the Alpha program at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Brookfield.   St. Paul’s has the unique distinction of being a ‘Born Again’ church among that denomination. This church has a unique mature love under the guidance of Rector Joseph Shepley.  Bob is also mentored by the Church’s former Pastor (Retired) Dr. George Crocker. 

Angelo Paul Ramunni

Paul grew up as a Catholic on Long Island, New York in the 1950’s and 60’s. He attended Catholic schools all throughout his formal educational career. He graduated from Fairfield University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics in 1970. He went on to earn a Masters Degree in Economics from Fordham University and eventually a second Masters Degree in Accounting from Long Island University in 1976.

In 1978 he became a Certified Public Accountant and started his own public accounting firm in 1982, of which he is still a partner. His work with clients, both on a business and personal level, has led him to focus on the larger issues concerning people’s wealth and how best to utilize their assets in a manner that would please God. Gradually he found himself talking to clients and friends more and more about spiritual matters as he analyzed peoples' needs and concerns about their future. 

Over the years, Paul became very active in his church and other para-church ministries such as FCCI, Fellowship of Companies for Christ Int’l (Christ at Work). He has also been involved in the Lions Club, Exchange Club, and is a past president of a local Rotary International Club. He has personally facilitated many Bible studies, Christian Business Owners group meetings, taught seminars and workshops concerning the Godly use of money for individuals and business owners, as well as teaching groups how to integrate their faith with their work. Since 1996, Paul has also been involved with the healing prayer ministry at the Oratory of The Little Way. The Oratory is a residential Christian Healing center located in Gaylordsville, Conn. 

Paul is also an instructor-in-residence at the University of Connecticut in the area of accounting and financial literacy, and has been a director of numerous non-profit organizations over the years. He is currently a member of the board of directors of The Connecticut Mutual Holding Company, a regional 3 bank holding company. He lives in Canaan, Connecticut with his wife and best friend Marcia. He has two grown children, Daniel and Joy, his son-in-law Joseph and two incredible grandsons, Joey and Colin.

It was early in 1990 when, because of his wife’s prayers, Paul’s life changed dramatically as he met Jesus Christ on a personal basis in the form of a little book entitled “In His Steps” by Charles Sheldon. Her prayers made his ensuing walk with God possible and ultimately are responsible for the production of his books, “The Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace,” self published by Grace Path Publications LLC in 2004, “Left Turn, Right Turn, U-Turn” published by Xulon Press in 2011, and its companion manual “The Workbook” which was self published in 2012 by Grace Path Publications LLC.

Author Contact Info:

Email:  ramunni@comcast.net

Mailing address:  A. Paul Ramunni, P O Box 943, Canaan, Connecticut   06018

Phone:  860-833-1374

Rick Beobide is the Music Minister for our events. Contact him if you would like to participate with him in music. We believe in the united body of Christ. (203) 501-7248.
In Macon Georgia is our brother James Pitts and his wife. Currently he is taking care of his ailing wife and son but with us in Prayer and in Spirit.
BRING GOD BACK TO AMERICA is a Spiritual Movement. We share this vision with other ministries like Wake Up America, and Minutemen United.