Going Deeper... A Divine Government?
Recently it was reported to me that a prophet said that “a divine government would be established this year. Whether the prophet is right or not let us examine the chance that we did have as Americans.
1. God hid from the rest of the world “ A land flowing with Milk and Honey”
If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. Numbers 14:8
2. And the early settlers delighted in the Lord and He Blessed them. They developed a government and laws based on God’s Principles:
Faith Heb. 11, Servant hood, Mk.9:35 Stewardship Lk. 12, Hard Work 2 Thess.3:10, Perseverance Eph.6:18, Col.1:11
3. Then laws based on the ten commandments and established Biblical Principles. Male Leadership, Not to Gossip, Go to that person first, Establish Facts with two or three witnesses, Tell the truth, Faith is to be protected from Government, etc. etc.
4. The first schools were based on the Bible and spreading wisdom.
In fact if there ever was a human attempt to establish a divine government by humans it existed here and later on in Israel.
The first president of this government was the only one running, then reelected without anyone one else running. He humbly resigned the position as an example to others. He was well know for his faith and prayer life. He was George Washington.
Now, where are we today?
Faith is mentioned but not acted upon..
Servant hood has been replaced by politicians who only serve themselves and reelections.
Stewardship is unknown. Our debts are put on those who can least afford it.
Hard work is looking for a government handout.
And Perseverance is reduced to days or hours.
My friends, God cannot supply a divine government to sinful people, 86% of which claim to bear His name. Certainly He is saying “I do not know you” Mt. 25:15, Lk. 13:27, JN. 7:39
HOWEVER, did you know that when he comes back the Saints will Judge and govern the world?
Do you not know that the saints (the believers) will [one day] judge and govern the world? And if the world [itself] is to be judged and ruled by you, are you unworthy and incompetent to try [such petty matters] of the smallest courts of justice? 1 Corinthians 6:2
So what does this all mean?
As Christians our practice time is now, for our eternal future.
Min. Bob Cutting