Church At The Flea Market
Then the master 
told the 
servant, ‘Go out into the highways 
and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled [with guests].

Although three of us were very tired we carried on with our mission work at the Flea Market. The crowds were still good. Just a hair off the previous month. We walk around and get to know other vendors as part of our work here. Bob Arconti sought us out and was overwhelmed with something that he told us he would "never forget".  A priest had told him that "Jesus owned him." to Bob this was profound. We had been praying a lot for Bob as he is a dedicated Christian but with the Catholic Church. To most Evangelicals etc. this is understood. Praise God for the new revelation to our friend Bob! It is an honor to be sought out by people like him to share the Good News with.
The next week I got a call from our friend, Frank, who we had prayed for previously. He was in a pickle and asked for us to pray for him with this situation that only God could help with. Later he called and reported how well God had answered. Again it is a privilege to be known by these people for our prayers and stand with God. Our dedication to this ministry is paying off. 
We started the year at the Flea Market after several delays. Below Minister Cutting sings Gospel music with Val Burke who has helped us from the beginning and each week. He has been a Flea Market vendor for over 20 years and is a Minister at Trinity Christian Tabernacle Church.
The highlight of our contacts was when Nancy, a fellow vendor rushed over to us to pray for her 1 month old twin grand daughter.  Hayden had a stroke and grandma was just informed that Hayden had been taken off of life support. It is an honor to be recognized by people as a prayer center and to pray for such needs.
We also prayed for Frank, a Christian from New Jersey that had great testimonies for the Lord. However he felt a gambling problem in one area of his life.