Ministry Events

Upcoming Projects and Events of which 
you may be interested.

September 19th - 31st
God's Mountain, Carbondale Rd. Waymart PA.
FALL MEN'S RETREAT  Sept. 19th - 20th

This is sponsored for all men by Michael Grimm and his band of good men from southeastern Pennsylvania. 

Cost is a CHEAP $70. They need 1/2 deposit right now. ($35.) 
Kindly send it to: Fall Men's Retreat - Michael Grimm
471 Allentown Rd. Souderton, PA. 18964

For questions, sponsorships, etc. Call:
Michael Grimm 484-431-9336  or Jim Rolon 510-389-7510

Locally you can call me, Bob Cutting, at 203 778-2672 and reserve right now!

The theme will be "Putting on the Full Armor of God".

For an idea of the retreat center Click Here


The Lord has given me a vision of presenting Christ at the local Flea Markets. 
So far, I have checked the rules etc. of one local Flea Market held on Sundays only.
 I believe it is quite possible now to win souls there.The fee is $50. to pay for a space.
 I believe that is not an impossible amount to get back in donations from our effort.

So far God has blessed us by:
• Providing a man who donated enough folding chairs for a small audience.
• A water cooler that can be used for donation collections.
• I can use my work truck to hold the folding chairs. 
God has put me on hold for a bit. I envision being under way in the Fall. 
I am waiting for God to open a few more doors.

We could use and are praying for:
 • A partner to present the Gospel with me.
• A sign
• A write on schedule board.
• A portable pulpit.
• Printed Handout Materials