Trip To Kenya

By the miracle of Facebook, God has put it on my heart to visit Kenya
and conduct Evangelistic and Revival meetings there. 
I am hoping and praying for Late September -Early October to do so.
Minister Bob Cutting
Meet my hosts who are ready to meet me and evangelize their areas:
 If you are on Facebook as an American who may have money, many Ministers will try to contact you looking for donations. NOT SO with Aggrey and his lovely wife Linet. His faith amazed me as God saw how much it matched my own. In fact it raised me up to new levels. 

I told Pastor Aggrey that I would love to come help a person with his amount of faith and that we would have to pray for the funds for the airfare. (About $1500. round trip). He and I immediately went into prayer. He stated that he went to the bed that he would have me sleep in and prayed and envisioned that i would be in it some day. 

We look forward to that day, this year. 

If you are reading this, kindly join us in prayer for the funds and protection for this mission. I have driven to Honduras and lived with the people there. I have responded to New Orleans after Katrina hit and am used to rugged and different living conditions. So the change in culture is nothing for me. Just the finances and God's protection for healing and evangelizing in a place strange to me. 

I am told the people here are hungry for Jesus. I am told they will come from up to 8 miles away particularly to see a white man with that odd American accent promoting Jesus . Pray that we will have great response. 
Tim also found me on Facebook and proved to have a deep faith similar to Aggrey's. I am told that it has been decided that they will host me first. Pastor Tim after hearing about me, went to our web site where he saw our Ministry at the Flea Market in New Milford Connecticut. He knew I was an evangelist at heart and then wrote me through Facebook messenger. 

He contacted Aggrey at my direction.  Aggrey and I agreed that he was a good match for us. God says 
"let the facts be established wherever two or three of you agree". And so it is. 
Pastor Tim Nyongesa and Pastor John Garang
In this photo is Pastor Tim (on the left) As you see him with Pastor John Garang , Like me their heart is for all Christians to work together. He would like me to come for the purpose of hosting his first conference at this attempt. Yes, my hearts desire is to answer Jesus' prayer for unity as expressed in John 17.  

Kindly pray as he and Aggrey work together to make arrangements for this. They are approximately two hours apart. 

PS: By the way, each airplane flight to and from is about 24 hrs. so praying for my stamina is also important.