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John 17 more than expresses God's desire for us to work together. This page is dedicated to informing you of other Christian events that you may want to
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Minister Bob Cutting
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October 24th



Restoration Ministries Presents:  Taking Back What The Enemy Has Stolen Conference

This will be a life changing Conference. Healing of memories, even cellular memories.  Carol will explain how this can happen.  Don’t miss out!!

Special Guest”  Pastor Carol Schulze

Carol is the founder of Freedom House.  She carries an anointing to set God’s people from bondages, depression, anxiety, addiction, poverty and disease.  She specializes in ministering inner healing.  She has witnessed many deliverances and healings and desires to see the Body of Christ set free.


Worship Leader:  Bryan Kellner

Bryan is the Worship Leader at Mountain Church in Brookfield, Ct.  He carries an anointing to spoil the enemy and to usher in the presence of God. 

Contact Rhoda Banks, LCSW to preregister for event at 203-512-4914 or email at

October 24, 2015

Scalzo Realty

2 Stony Hill Road, Bethel. Ct. Lower level


Rhoda’s new book, Dance as David Danced, will be available for purchase

A free will offering will be taken. HomeJOIN US
Thursday, September 24, 2015
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If I Prayed to “Accept Jesus into My Heart,” Is That Enough?

by Matthew Harmon

The Bible speaks about beginning a relationship with God throughJesus Christ in a variety of ways, so it may come as a surprise that nowhere does Scripture specifically refer to “praying to accept Jesus into your heart.” Instead the Bible emphasizes trust/faith in who Jesus is and what he has done through his death and resurrection. Take, for example, Romans 10:9-10—“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart onebelieves and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

There is also nothing “magical” about prayer. But it is a natural way of confessing our sins to God and asking the Lord to forgive us because of who Jesus is and what he did on the cross. And since prayer is simply talking to God, it is a vital part of growing in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

While it is true that we are saved by faith, we must understand that biblical faith is dynamic. It is far more than simply agreeing with a set of facts about God and Jesus. By its very nature it transforms a person over time, making itself known. It produces evidence (which the Bible often calls “fruit”) in our lives. Let me try to illustrate this:

Imagine we met for coffee one Monday morning at my home. During our conversation, I tell you that a herd of 100 elephants walked through my backyard over the weekend. You would likely find that hard to believe (unless we lived in Africa!). You would be even more skeptical if you looked out at my backyard and didn't see a single footprint or pile of droppings! How could 100 elephants pass through someone's backyard without leaving a single bit of evidence?

On the night Jesus was arrested, he told his disciples that everyone who abides in him will bear fruit (John 15:5). When our faith bears the fruit of good works, it glorifies God (John 15:8). As we continue to trust in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit produces fruit in our lives such as “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Gal 5:22-23). Put another way, as we see the beauty and glory of Jesus, the Spirit transforms us so that we more clearly reflect the character of Christ (2 Cor 3:18).

Jesus Christ did everything necessary to save us from our sins. He obeyed where we had failed. He suffered the penalty that we deserved for our sins by dying on the cross. He conquered death by rising on the third day. He ascended to the right hand of God the Father and sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in his people. We experience all that Jesus has done for us by faith, a faith that the Spirit uses to make us more like our Lord and Savior. Featured Ministry
Jimmy & Karen Evans 

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