February 24, 2025
Good Day Brother!
I hope and pray all is well with you and your family today.
”For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:20
The 2000 film Pay It Forward starred Haley Joel Osment as 12-year-old Trevor McKinney who launched a “pay it forward movement”. That’s when a person who receives a kindness is encouraged to show major kindness to three others—paying it “forward” rather than paying it back. The movie, and the book on which it was based, became quite successful, and the phrase “pay it forward” became an oft-repeated and -imitated part of our cultural lexicon.
Maybe some of us have used the phrase. Maybe we have even paid something “forward” after someone did us a favor or showed kindness to us. But have we ever applied the “pay it forward” principle to prayer?
How often have we requested prayer—for a family member, job interview, ailment or discouraging circumstance? How many times has someone prayed for us? How many people have mentioned our name when talking to God? I am sure we were grateful for such kindness, of course. We have probably even thanked those who have supported us in prayer. But why not PRAY it forward?
For example, suppose we ask for prayer concerning a financial challenge we’re facing. A friend responds and pledges his prayers. After we say, “thank you,” why not pause for a moment and pray for three other people who are dealing with financial challenges? Or, if none comes to mind, we might pray for specific situations: the homeless, the jobless and people who are struggling with the challenges of living on a fixed and limited income.
Or, say, a brother visits our hospital bed to pray for healing. After thanking him for praying, why not ask if the two of you can pray together for three other people who you know need God’s healing power?
I am sure once we have done it a few times, it can become habit-forming. And life-changing, as the smile of God graces not only the prayers people say for us, but also the threefold harvest those prayers reap for others not only in our circle of Brother but the world round us.
I am encouraging all of us to try it. Pray it forward and multiply every prayer we receive three times!
Please let the attached video and song be our prayer today, tomorrow and always:
Have a blessed and safe day and week.
Brother, please remember I am always there for you in thought, prayer and action - 24x7.
Love Your Brother and Friend in Christ,
PS. I would like to encourage you to join our Zoom meetings. The next one will be this Thursday (2/27) evening starting at 7:00 pm.
These Zoom meetings are open to Everyone. It has always been an awesome blessing to talk, share, now see and pray with other Brothers around the country.
Below are the details. Join your Brothers from all over the world as we all strive to get closer to HIM and to each other and become BETTER men of God today, tomorrow and always.
Join Zoom Meeting - Just click the link below
PSS - Please save the date of 3/8/2025 for a 1-Day Brothers in Christ Event - Please the attached flyer. I need to know ASAP if you are interested in joining your other Brothers, as well as the payment so I can prepare for the day regarding meals, set-up, etc.