Good day! Here are some sample messages from my daily (or weekly emails) and some comments from receivers.

Minister Bob Cutting
Wow!  Great and awesome message today brother. 

I appreciate your heart for Him and sharing it with all of us 

Have a blessed evening 

Love you Brother!

Brother Michael 

Sent from my iPhone

For sure!
The way God uses you builds the kingdom of heaven in Christians. 
And I believe I am not among those who do not thank �� because I believe in the blessings from God. May God bless you Dad 
Following your story dad!
the devil started but didn't end. Our Lord Jesus was a striker. I can remember, you preached even on Sunday and whatever i did for you it was a blessing dear because two months after your departure i bought a commercial building of 5000 US dollars and many people wondered saying that an American left me with dollars. You came for Global for word anointed Church. 
God bless you 
Pastor Rodgers Nuwagaba 
Kevin W. - Amen ��. Welcome home in Africa ��. Thank you servants of God.
Your friend of yours in Jesus name.
                 Pastor Kevin juma wanyonyi.from Kenya western region bungoma county.
B. Joseph: Thanks for always send me messages servant of God.
Happy new year brother Bob 

Thanks Brother for another awesome and well timed message today 

I pray that your message stirs people’s hearts and not just tickles their ears   

Have a safe and blessed day 

Love you Brother!

Brother Michael 

Sent from my iPhone


Insight Ministries Inc. 

Acts 2:37-38 Amplified Bible

The Ingathering

37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart [with remorse and anxiety], and they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what are we to do?” 38 And Peter said to them, “Repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah] and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Minister Bob Cutting

What makes it most valuable?

Dearest Christian friends,

Kindly let me start with a true definition of the word repent:

What is the true meaning of repent?

"Repentance typically requires an admission of guilt for committing a wrong or for omitting to do the right thing; a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong or the omission where possible."

And even the Greek once again helps us here. CHANGE from your old ways. THIS is the real mark of repentance. Your fruit once again proves your Christianity NOT your brand name. And there is further qualification. "AND be baptized". THEN what will happen as a part of God's promise to the agreement? 

You "WILL", not maybe, not probably, not by and by, BUT you WILL receive the Holy Spirit. 

Can you understand why some do not have the Holy Spirit? It is plain as day. They did not go through the whole process. 

Now, what can happen later on to these imperfect Christians? Can they goof? Can they sin now and then? Yes, but can they repent? Absolutely! BUT we must take this repent thing seriously and become better people each time. Right? 

Min. Bob Cutting




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Minister Bob Cutting - Insight Ministries Inc.

50 Oak Ridge Rd, Bethel Ct. 06801-1151

Subject: 11/30 KEYS TO PRAYER Min. Bob


Insight Ministries Inc. 

Ephesians 6:18 Amplified Bible

18 With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all [a]God’s people.

Minister Bob Cutting

Let us review our prayer life.

Dearest Christian friends,

Once again, the Greek here adds much to our understanding. God also uses that annoying word "All" again.

So, God here starts off with "ALL" . Not a little, not sometimes, but ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS. And what does the Greek add here? Again, as in other Scriptures ALL prayer is to have specific requests. Do you ever violate that rule? Do you ever hear others say "And God knows what I need"? Or God knows? or "an unspecified request"? PLEASE TELL ME how can good Christians do this in light of this and so many other Scriptures on prayer? In truth they cannot. They need to grow up and go by the Word of God, not their own whims.

Also if they cannot ask specifically in their own church groups, they are afraid to, or cannot trust the people or pastor, it means something is wrong with their system of love. Love for God and love for their neighbors as themselves. Help to change that or change churches if they will not listen.

Then God wants you to check with Him first. This does NOT say pray in tongues. It says "in the Spirit" which may or may not include tongues. It means you pray in line with what God would have you pray for. It means check with Him first. It means your prayers should be at peace with Him and His Word.

AND, finally look at this. Be alert as to what is going on and what to pray for. Stick to it. Believe it. Have faith in it and DO NOT just pray for yourself, BUT consider ALL of God's people.

Can we all improve and teach others? I pray so.


Min. Bob Cutting

AND PS: God does know what you need before you pray. Praying is an act of communion, communication and humbleness to God.




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Go to Bible and never say you do not have a Bible. Here is one online.

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Minister Bob Cutting - Insight Ministries Inc.

50 Oak Ridge Rd, Bethel Ct. 06801-1151
