Brothers and Sisters, Many agree with our "BRING GOD BACK TO AMERICA" slogan and Ministry attempts. However, one retired Pastor said that "The difference between a conservative and a liberal is that conservatives give from their own funds, liberals, on the other hand, know how to give other peoples money." Tax returns seem to support this. I believe the problem goes deeper. It is our selfishness that is the problem. Even in Christianity, once a person seems to get the ticket to heaven, from whatever way, it is up to someone else to actually do the work. Here is what God says about that: Philippians 2:12[ Light Bearers ] Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; The message below from Peter Lafountaine in Gloucester Mass. reflects this. We have let God slip out of our court system, the ten commandments, which were the basis of law when our forefathers wrote it, is also gone. Now really look at the mess we have in America, just in the court systems alone. (see below). Should it not ought to be the non-believer's that should "opt. out" not the majority? But would you be the one who puts God in it like this person from Ohio did, or would you just go along? Most would do the latter. But is that not how we got into this mess?
.... And Peter is right. Until all who come in the name of Christ look in the mirror for someone to do it, and get a real backbone, called Faith in Christ, it still will be, and is getting worse daily. Jesus Christ died for you, and you will not even take a few light hits for Him? Is there something wrong with this picture or is it just me?