Minister Bob Cutting - Director
Elaine Alford is a great Christian and a widow.
She seems to gather news and views from
Christian sources across cyber space.

We met her, shortly after the loss of her husband, helping folks in New Orleans just a few weeks after Katrina hit. That is a long way from her Newark, Ohio home.

This page provides her an opportunity to share the NEWS AND VIEWS with you from around the world of Christian interest.
Here is a site you can go to: Breaking Christian News

Now this article has humbled me to a greater understanding of what this really means, "I can do all things through Christ" Not to sound like I'm all knowing but I never could wrap my head around the way everyone always threw out there I can do all things. Well we can't and now read this and find how we really do do all things.
You Cannot "Do All Things" through Christ, Spiritual Living, Christian Faith (Full Article)
This is where we are heading if we continue in the direction we are going. Muslim Extremist seeking out and killing Christians. Pray Pray Pray!!!!

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Your friend has shared a link with you.... "and earthquakes in various places, then you will know the end is near"

Personal message:

Did you feel it Bob?
Earthquake in Maine rattles New England states - Yahoo! News
Patrons of a pizza parlor near the epicenter of an earthquake in southern Maine may not have known what was happening. But the shaking building was enough to send all 20 of them skedaddling outside.
Read the full story
Billy Graham Meets With Romney, Gov. Asks for Prayer


Billy Graham says he's impressed with Romney and will do everything he can to help the former Massachusetts governor during the presidential campaign. sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.