Dear Friends,
I believe Christianity says we are all equal at the base
of the cross. It is also designed to be like a family with each person contributing something special. 
This page allows for nuggets from our friends to be displayed for others to see. A part of the growing community. 
I encourage you to email me with your nuggets.

Minister Bob Cutting

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dorothy Vining <>
Subject: Re: 4/24 God's Eternal Plan... How Are We Doing?
Date: April 24, 2016 at 5:59:51 PM EDT

Jesus is the Word.  When Jesus says My Body is flesh indeed, what does he say to you?

Sent from my iPad

From: "Pastor" <>
Subject: Re: 4/18 Being A Good Shepherd
Date: April 18, 2016 at 1:35:45 PM EDT

Grace and Peace,
Thank you for reminding us.

From: "" <>
Subject: Re: 4/13 How To Fix Politics
Date: April 13, 2016 at 9:05:41 AM EDT
To: "Cutting Robert" <>

Hi Bob!  
You're right on the target with your commentary today!  I was talking to someone a while back who told me that when the people at his job go on a break, they all sit at tables and stare at their cell phones.  They don't get into any meaningful conversations.  I've even seen people looking at their phones while a minister is delivering a message.   
More than ever, we need to set aside some time, turn off the technology and focus on God! 
God bless,
From: James Pitts <>
Subject: Re: 4/17 Times of Testing
Date: April 17, 2016 at 10:01:13 AM EDT


From: Joseph Secola <>
Date: March 22, 2016 11:29:05 AM EDT
To: Bob Cutting 
Subject: Societal breakdown and Trump

I recommend this article as explaining the disconnect in society between the professional class and the working class. I purchased a prescient 1994 book cited in the article. It is clear that the professional class and other elites running our country hate Christianity.

Joseph P. Secola, Esq.
Sent from my iPad