
Teacher / Evangelist / Minister  Bob Cutting
addressing 'The Dysfunctional Generation". 

My Dearest of Friends,
It is with humbleness and great pride that I make this announcement. God has seen fit to put in on my heart this the fourth day of January 2014 that James Pitts and I will go forward in this evangelistic ministry together. I confess openly that I have tried others to partner with during the past year or so, but was not surrendered and cleansed enough by the Lord. This very morning God showed me, what I failed to see myself, that James and I were built for each other. We are the same in our desire to use just the Bible and both see the failed condition of the church to do just that. God had to show me that I was putting Jim off to the 'by and by'. He had to ask me if I could NOT believe that He can overcome the distance between us. Jim lives in Georgia and I in Connecticut. He then asked if a partner like Jim was not what I had been praying for all this time. 
Also, as previously stated, God had put it on my heart toward the end of last year that as Billy Graham faded, God would rise me and others up for a new evangelism. That my year would be 2014 to get this going. And so it is. I looked at the messages that I had created since the beginning of the year, with disbelief, that there was so much fire in them and realized it was God working, not me. 
For the Men's Breakfast this morning, God had me wear my collar, and confirmed that with my wife's pleasant and encouraging attitude towards it. From there, the men questioned me and then prayed for me. In a sense, they ordained me for the mission. While many are used to big ceremonies for ordinations, the term really means 'to send' out'. In our times, God, confirms as fact, the sending out and other things with "the witness of two or three" others. The three prayers lead by certain men, provided that. I asked God "Why this prayer breakfast?" and He answered "Because their fruit shows participation from other Churches for real" I thought, "The first sending out for Insight Ministries was from a similar breakfast hosted by the Northville Baptist Church. The last one said it was open to others, but it's fruit never showed. I then realized that God had to have me come to this, St. Paul's Church for just that reason.
What I envision is a simple ministry that will go on the request of a Church to a town green, fleas market, church lawn etc. and deliver an evangelical and revival message to those who may listen. Unfortunately people today think revival is a big party. It is not. It is repentance first. We will only go inside a Church building etc. when forced to by weather. The ministry already owns an enclosed trailer which has been saved for this day. We will need folding chairs, a PA System, and a pulpit to be housed in this trailer. The tow vehicle will be from my landscaping business. If you know of anyone who can provide these or support for these, kindly have them get in touch as we grown together in 2014.
Thank you most humbly and sincerely.
Minister Bob Cutting (and soon) Rev. James Pitts.
In the event you need it, Minister Cutting's bio.

Announcement of My Vision

Minister Bob Cutting

Friends (and some of you are truly that),

Many may be wondering what God is doing with me since my separation from the previous position at Mountain Church.  He has been healing me and teaching me. The biggest part of my lesson is to depend on Him and Him alone for my direction. I must not depend on another man to lead me.  The second part is that He built me with the heart of an evangelist and revival preacher. 

He has given me a vision of  enlisting public greens, outdoor areas at Churches, Flea Markets etc. to bring His Word to this generation. It will not be inside, behind closed doors. Although, I am to listen to Him first and only, I am to work with any preacher who will unite for Christ with me. I will bring chairs, sound etc. for outdoors and will depend on the Lord for good weather. We will only go inside because of weather, and because we will also be outside on good days.

What message will I bring? Like a good book, I will point out the problem in America (sin and evil) and present a cure (Jesus Christ). I will be honest about the sin condition in the church, you know the one Christ died for.... and it’s solution (Repentance). I will work with others who will provide the benefits of coming clean to Christ (healing). They will be with me in the events. I will work with them and promote their work.

In the vision for this, my Father showed me that I must not rely on just my own resources. If you believe in what I am going to try to do, I must want God to bless you as well by having you bless this Ministry also. For many years, I have sent out these daily messages as a love gift to my friends, Now is a chance for you to give back. Checks can be made out to "Insight Ministries Inc." and sent to "50 Oak Ridge Rd., Bethel, Ct. 06801-1151. I will keep detailed records of the giving and spending at this web site. We will need to get the Ministry trailer in shape. We will need a portable sound system, a pulpit, and portable chairs to start. Again, I am praying that you will help. 

Minister Bob Cutting