Recent Encouragements 

Ephesians 4:29Amplified Bible (AMP)

29 Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth, but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing andgive grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it.

THANK YOU! - Minister Bob Cutting
From: Mary Bruce <>
Date: November 30, 2015 8:13:26 AM EST
To: <>
Subject: RE: 11/30 Thankfulness or Taken For Granted?

My thoughts exactly as I sent this letter out to our NY coordinators this morning.  I had computer glitches Wednesday and they were all stuck in my outboxL Today is the day of Thanksgiving.
Mary Bruce
Northeast National Area Leader
National Day of Prayer Task Force
NDP Ministries-Northeast, Inc
P.O.Box 244
Bethlehem, CT 06751
Isaiah 58:1a  Shout it aloud, do not hold back.  Raise your voice like a trumpet!
From: Michael Grimm <>
Date: November 29, 2015 9:12:30 AM EST
To: Bob Cutting <>
Subject: Re: Be Ever Alert!

Awesome message and reminder.  Thanks Brother for always taking the time to share your heart with all of us

Stay Strong!

Brother Michael
Date: November 19, 2015 8:54:13 AM EST
Subject: Re: 11/19 Hearing From God

Hi Bob!

The packet you received from the Father (we sent you from teaches Christians the HOW TO's
of hearing from God...first step, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and their Holy language)....

We hope this information has encouraged you!

Stu & Mary
From: WJCharliee <>
Date: November 13, 2015 4:16:20 PM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Gifted Hands: God and Ben Carson

Dear Christian Friends:

This documentary display how a Man of God was raised up in the slums of Detroit to be Top Neurosurgeon in the World... He gives God all the Glory first to last... Amen

Doug Jr.

From: Bev Carr <>
Date: November 12, 2015 9:27:08 AM EST
To: Bob Cutting <>
Cc: John Carr <>
Subject: Re: Ideas For Romancing (from our Anniversary celebration. Hopefully it helps you.)

Sounds as though this was just the very best fun and a real delight for heart and mind!!!

We are beyond delighted that thus turned out 'just right'!!!

Good planning soaking in caring thought and live for your sweetie...may there be many more!


From: Ronald Grant <>
Date: November 11, 2015 8:50:01 AM EST
Subject: Re: 11/11 Will You Fall Alone?

Congrats on 20 years The Lord have kept you ,we are not alone that is His promise.Stay bless
From: James Pitts <>
Date: November 11, 2015 8:37:24 AM EST
Subject: Re: 11/11 Will You Fall Alone?

Happy anniversary

From: Raymond Martin <>
Date: November 11, 2015 7:10:16 AM EST
To: "" <>
Subject: Happy Anniversary!

Happy 20th Anniversary Bob & Elsa:  Enjoy your special day!  Vera and I just celebrated our 44th anniv. on the 6th. God bless. Ray & Vera
From: "Pastor" <>
Date: October 29, 2015 10:33:21 AM EDT
Subject: Re: 10/29 Indifference is a Sin.

Amen brother.

Pastor Mike 
From: "" <>
Date: October 28, 2015 1:50:15 PM EDT
To: "Cutting Robert" <>
Subject: Re: 10/28 Everything is Easy For Christians?

Hi Brother Bob,
Very well said!  I remember when I accepted Jesus as Lord, there was a honeymoon period of sorts.  Everything in my life seemed so perfect and I thought it would always be that way.  Of course that is not the nature of this life and very soon everything changed.  As the saying goes, "If you have the perfect life, you're probably not doing much for God."   No, this life will never be perfect even if you are following Jesus, but the Perfect One is here with you every moment to give you His perfect peace and joy!
God bless,
From: Susan Champagne <>
Date: October 24, 2015 10:40:44 AM EDT
Subject: Re: 10/24 What Happened to Blood Moons Etc.?

Good Morning Bob,

What a great message! It got me thinking....reading through your "partial" list of the horrific things going on all around us every day, I found myself contemplating a number of things:

1) Satan won't stop if WE don't stop him
2) God has not left us defenseless against Satan's antics. If one person can be saved through Christ (as I have been!) then ALL can be saved, but we have to take the initiative and remain active in our faith, especially in helping others to know and pursue God
3) The thing I have trouble trying to wrap my brain around is "WHY" people allow evil to take control of their lives!?! If someone were to ask "Would you prefer to suck on this sour lemon for the rest of your life, OR would you prefer this sweet lollipop?", why NOT choose the sweet alternative? It's just a no-brainier to me.  Following Christ is not a difficult thing to fact, it's amazing!  If more people would choose the sweet alternative, perhaps your list of "horrifics" would be shorter!

Thank you Bob and God Bless You !!

From: Joseph Secola <>
Date: October 22, 2015 11:06:43 AM EDT
Subject: Re: 10/22 The Seen and Unseen

Hi Bob - I really liked the message this morning, especially the part about where we go others can and should feel Jesus' presence. I will spend some time in meditation on this. 

Joseph P. Secola, Esq.
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