"Understanding and Answering Islam" is a must learn livestream event presented by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries which is a Christian organization dedicated to defending the faith. This is a chance to gather together to listen, learn, love and understand our Christian Faith in contrast to Islam. We will be able to text and have interactive questions answered with the host.
This event takes place on:
Friday, January 15th 7-9pm and Saturday January 16th 9-3:30 pm.
St. Paul's Church, Brookfield Ct.
203 775-9587 or call Tara at: 203 228-4746 or tbshelpley@gmail.com
There is a $20. registration fee to cover snacks and lunch. Fee will be waived for those in hardship.
I have talked to Tara and would highly recommend ALL Christians be educated on this forefront challenge to today's faith.