My Dear Friends,

John 17 more than expresses God's desire for us to work together. This page is dedicated to informing you of other Christian events that you may want to
be a part of.
Minister Bob Cutting
Follow Us On:
"Understanding and Answering Islam" 
is a must learn livestream event presented by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries which is a Christian organization dedicated to defending the faith.   This is a chance to gather together to listen, learn, love and understand our Christian Faith in contrast to Islam. We will be able to text and have interactive questions answered with the host.

This event takes place on:
Friday, January 15th 7-9pm and Saturday January 16th 9-3:30 pm. 

St. Paul's Church, Brookfield Ct. 

203 775-9587 or call Tara at: 203 228-4746 or 

There is a $20. registration fee to cover snacks and lunch. Fee will be waived for those in hardship.


I have talked to Tara and would highly recommend ALL Christians be educated on this forefront challenge to today's faith. 
Minister Bob Cutting
From: "Rhoda Banks" <>
Date: December 20, 2015 10:16:41 PM EST


Restoration Ministries Presents: 
Strategies to Wage Warfare For The End Time Harvest
On January 30th, Saturday we will be meeting at the Scalzo Realty Building
2 Stony Hill Rd. Bethel, Ct.  Lower Level  6pm-11pm.
Guest Speaker:  Rhoda Banks, LCSW will uncover strategies to bring in the harvest of souls, while waging an effective battle plan.  Spiritual warfare, generational curses, going before the court of heaven, and the power of the blood will be examined.  This will be a life changing Conference.  You don’t want to miss it!
Worship leaders:
Brenda and Mike Soldan of House of Grace Ministries will be leading Worship
Mike and Brenda usher in the presence of God in a mighty way.  They are end time warriors who worship in spirit and truth.  Their ministry, House of Grace Ministries is a faith based program serving homeless Veterans.  They provide safe quarters, food and clothing, counseling, job preparation, and placement to help Veterans get back on their feet.
A free will offering will be taken.
Please reserve your spot by email Space is limited.