There is enough light for those who wish to see, and enough darkness for
those otherwise inclined. Pascal
Dear Dorothy,
hope you are well
to let you know first that our Lenten Healing Mass at St. Marguerite's is
March 20 at 7:00pm.
next, St. Marguerite's participation in the 40 Days for Life will be on
Valentine's Day, by dedicating 1 hour of devotion between 10am and 6pm.
i was hoping you could forward to your list of pro-life friends. the
Eucharist will be in the Day Chapel at our church. we are hoping to see
more than the usual two adorers/hour, so if anyone would like to
participate - great!
they are welcome to contact me or just show up
i hope you can also come to the healing service.
take care and keep up the faith!