Northeast Christian Men's Ministry
Invented by Michael Grimm (picture at right). 
Serving men all over the Northeastern Part of America. 
Aiming to grow and bring Christian Men together from all Christian backgrounds.
This in answer to our Lords final prayer before the cross that 
"they would all be one".  
It is an open and free expression of our faith for those mature enough.
Come to one of our events. Check back here for times and dates.
October 11, 2021


I hope and pray all is well with you today.

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” – 1 Timothy 6:11-12

As Christians, we are urged to fight the good fight of faith. While a good many of us understand what it means, there are some who do not.  What's the Fight About?  In above scripture verse, Paul urged young Timothy to "fight the good fight." This fight requires that he must hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called him.

This is the same fight we are told to endure today.  We know that God has called all of us to eternal life through the death and resurrection of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. His suffering on the cross and resurrection from the dead paved the way for us to be forgiven of our sins, escape God's death penalty, and be accepted as Brothers in Christ. And this is what we should be fighting for: to live a life worthy of the call we have all received.

No, we shouldn't think of ourselves highly because we have a "calling." We shouldn't even think we are worthy of Christ's atoning sacrifice. Who are we to declare that?  Brothers, fighting the good fight of faith simply means that we will not consider Christ's sacrifice as nothing. Fighting the good fight of faith means that we will prize what Christ has given to us higher than any other thing in this universe, even larger than our very lives – and we will fight for it, no matter what.

Paul told Timothy to pursue things that worldly and wicked men cannot pursue: righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. All these things he must pursue as he faithfully holds on to and tells others about what Christ has done for him, and for us, without wavering. This, Brothers, is what we should do: to love God and pursue Him above all, and to spread His love to ALL people no matter what we face.  So my question for all us, are we ready to fight the good fight today? I hope and pray our answer will be yes.

Please join me in prayer, Heavenly Father, we confess our sins to you and share our belief in you with others. When we face persecution and sorrow, give us the strength to fight the good fight of faith. Keep our heads high and our eyes on you. Show us the truth of scripture and not allow us to be consumed with the words of other people. Help us resist temptation and walk the path of holiness. We ask all of this in Your Holy and Precious Name – AMEN.

Have a blessed and safe day and week.


Brother please remember I am there for in thought, prayer and action - 24x7.

Love Your Brother and Friend in Christ,
