Good day, I am a 'Minister by Miracle' ordained by the Mountain Church of God in Brookfield Ct. God has given me a depth of sight into Scripture and into people and thus the name "Insight Ministries". I am an evangelist and revivalist by nature. I am without denomination, holding to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe strongly in Jesus' prayer at John 17 and look for the unity of all Christians.

Minister Bob Cutting
Insight Ministries Inc. 
As previously stated, Insight Ministries Inc. is usually the non-profit umbrella from which I operate. It is a 501-3c corporation in the State of Connecticut. I formed it as this is a para church ministry and despite some people's claims, the government here really leaves us alone. 

Your Piece of God for Today.
Is an email ministry that I provide for free to those interested. It is sent out daily or on weekends and special days (your choice) to those interested. 
My Scripture for the day reviews usually go deeper than most and help deepen and encourage people's walk with Christ.