6/27 THE PHARASEES AND SCRIBES OF THE COURT. My wife tripped across Ecclesiastes 10:2 a few days ago asked me if I knew that verse. I told her it was one of your favorites, and shows how the Bible is timeless, and man has not changed.
Enjoy the holiday weekend.
6/28 THE EYE OF THE TIGER Thanks brother for an awesome message and excellent advice. I pray we all just read it but take action
Have a safe and blessed day
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael 1/25 WHERE IS YOUR FOCUS? Amen! Let it be so!
Peace, Michael
1/17 DO NOT GET ALL WOUND UP OVER THE 2022 ELECTIONS Thanks brother for sharing another awesome message today.
As always I pray all who receive it will read it with their hearts wide open
Pray all went well last night/early morning for you.
Have a safe and blessed day
Love and miss you Brother Brother Michael
Thanks brother for sharing another awesome and powerful message today.
Thanks for opening my mind up today and I pray it does the same for other Brothers.
Have a safe and blessed day and please stay strong out there.
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
Thanks brother for sharing another awesome and insightful message today. I appreciate your heart for Him and His people.
Have a safe and blessed day
Can you please put the retreat email up in your site and change the category to Spring Retreat? Thoughts?
Have a safe and blessed day
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael Sent from my iPhone
1/6 THANKS NEW RECORD! Grace and Peace,Praise God Bob for sharing this report.
Blessings, Michael ------------------------- On Jan 6, 2022, at 9:28 AM, Michael Grimm < brothermichael24@gmail.com> wrote:
That is great Brother. I’m lucky if I get 1 response from my 200+ emails I send out on Monday unless I have a misspelling then I get more pointing it out. It can be very discouraging especially when I don’t hear from the leaders. Especially when I have to ask verbally or via text about the retreat emails. But I always remember Gal.1:10
Have a safe and blessed day and thanks for letting me share
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
12/31 THE BEST NEW YEARS WISH FOR YOU Thanks brother for sharing. Great timing for your message - this is part of our retreat theme for 2022
Have a safe and blessed day and a very happy new year
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
12/13 ITS ALL IN THE TIMING Grace and Peace, Amen! Wonderful testimony my brother. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Peace, Michael
----------- Only because I am surrounded by awesome Brothers like you. Appreciate you so very much Love your Brother! Brother Michael
11/10 THE DEMISE OF GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE USAVery inspiring teaching brother
Shalom and blessings -------------------- Awesome and powerful message today Brother. Thanks for sharing and I will continue to pray for you and our country
Have a safe and blessed day and please stay strong out there
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael A11/6 MANY CHRISTIANS DO NOT GET THIS Awesome message and excellent advice for all of us.
Thanks brother for sharing your amazing heart
I appreciate it and you very much
Have a blessed day and week
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
Bob --
I hope all is well with your recovery.
I will be praying for you daily for your shoulder recovery and healing.
Blessings to you and yours. 11/4 THE REWARDS OF HUMILITY
Thanks brother for sharing your heart with another awesome and inspiring message today
I definitely stand in agreement with you
Have a safe and blessed day and please stay strong out there
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael 10/30 RULES FOR THESE TIMESThanks again. He (Satan) knows our ways and is ready to pounce on us. Let us all grow deep roots and be sober minded.Great seeing and hearing from you this weekend. Keeping my eyes straight while also looking to my left and right so we are not caught off guard - like a busdriver. Blessings Roland
Blessings, Michael
Awesome message and excellent advice
Thanks brother I appreciate it and you very much
Have a safe and blessed day and please stay strong out there
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
12/9 IS DONALD TRUMP A CHRISTIAN? Nicely said. It is irrefutable when you use God's word to cast light on an issue and seek truth.
I pray that you are feeling better, and that the medications are helping with the respiratory issues.
Dear Pastor Bob your Insight on anger is a perfect example of today"s values being ignored & abused/ (1) Wrong has been made right even our Judges today are corrupt no one is abuve the law,but judges lie steal & put the wrong people in jail (Donald Trump is acting like a 5yr old & takes no reponibitiy for his actions) Bible warrns we can Kill with our words Mr Trump is responsible for Nine lives lost on January 6th insurrection0 All 130 people are tried of with crimes & people do not get it He is being influenced by Satan. (2) We are told to accept gay marriages how many parents are failing their children by telling them if you are a Boy/You can become a girl?? God in the Bible states "If you cause harm to my children you are worthy of a mill stone & thrown in the ocean. (3) We worry about Gun Violence Horror but women are murdering their children in the womb?? (4) We have neglected looking after our neighbor & standing by as they die from Covid 19 because we will not wear our masks because it is our right to choose??// To see our Families & neighbors die (5) We have become a Nation of angry people but we are the ones who produced & sanction our behaviors, LORD help us You are not pleased. I hope this assessment is wrong but I feel this is where we are headed. Look at climate change?? Our Lord is in charge of the elements// We are away from God" protection, Love & Respect Tom Dietrick
Thanks brother for sharing your heart with another awesome message
Have a safe and blessed day and weekend
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
Dear Pastor Bob one of the biggest lies told today we abhor gun violance,but we murder our babies (65 million since Roe vs Wade). On my phone there was a young women who wrote when I had an abortion the very next day I had to see the truth & horror about the fact I murdered my child. She went on to say that was 10yrs ago & my guilt & shame haunt me everyday. I now know I will face my Creator (My Lord & my God) & be held accountable to Him. Tom (Pastor Bob I am not judging this women) Love & respect Your brother ⛪
P.S. The Word of the Lord was a timely Word. Thank you Man of God for supernatural breakthrough ....S.C. A response to:"NO DISCOURAGEMENT TO THOSE GROWING" 6/25/22
On May 25, 2022, at 10:30 AM, Michael Grimm <brothermichael24@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks brother for sharing another awesome message today. Good thing I don’t like goose. But I heard it tastes like chicken.
Have a safe and blessed day Love and appreciate you Brother !
Brother Michael Sent from my iPhone
On May 25, 2022, at 9:43 AM, Jeffrey Vose <jbvose@yahoo.com> wrote:
Yes, we definitely see people abandoning the faith.
Also note that the term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία") which can also mean departure. Some (like myself) believe that this verse has a dual meaning, one the defection of people from the faith, but also the departure of His faithful ones as described in 1 Thessalonians 4, describing the rapture of the church.
Amen Happy Resurrection Day God Bless you !
Stephen Aversa
Thank you for this. Amen,
Amen brother Bob thank you for sharing these lesson from the Lord.
Blessings, Michael Jenkins
Loved this Bob. What a perfect start to leadership training. It all starts with God. Hoping that you will share more in the future. Keep up the great work that you are doing. It is really making a difference. Roland Carpenter
Appreciate this. Roland Carpenter
Amen! Thank you for sharing this word Bob.
Peace, Michael Jenkins
AWESOME, Powerful and very insightful message today Brother.
Thanks for sharing with all of us and pray we listen to it with our hearts wide open.
Have a safe and blessed day and please stay strong out there
Love and appreciate you Brother!
Brother Michael Grimm
Thanks so much for the great teachings that you usually send to me. It's very helpful to me, family and the church I lead. Am pastor Nkaye Abubakar the lead pastor of Rescue prayer center church Busei Iganga uganda. I feel would like to work under your ministry or to be allowed to be your spiritual son. Iam ready to serve and for all years I have been yarning to get some one work with. Some one behind me who can encourage me and strengthen me in ministry.
Thanks brother for sharing another awesome message today. I appreciate it and your amazing heart for Him and His people
Have a safe and blessed day
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael
Sent from my iPhone Thanks brother for sharing another awesome message today. I appreciate it and your amazing heart for Him and His people
Have a safe and blessed day
Love you Brother!
Brother Michael Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 3, 2021, at 3:54 PM, Michael Grimm <brothermichael24@gmail.com> wrote:
Awesome message today Brother. I hope and pray all is well with you and your family Love you Brother! Brother Michael
TD July 3rd Pastor Bob tom dietrick here. When our society praises the gay comunity & teaches their children to act beyond what God has made we are in serious trouble. Yes they are still God"s children but we have negated God"s plan for our future. Every great nation has fallen from Moral decay & we are headed in that direction. I fear for our Country"s future. Are we no better than Sodom & Gemmorahea? I pray for our Country everyday, Tom D⛪